Saturday, December 1, 2012

How bipolar am I? I know right...

Let's jump past the preliminaries of me saying that I haven't been blogging for months blah blah blah...

I'm back now and will try to do at least one post per week. Deal with it...

So I finished exams a few weeks ago and have had fun from then until last week.

First out of the gate was an awesome night partying at the beach, which ended up with me ridding my stomach from the mashed potatoes I ate a few hours before, into the toilet of "my friend's flat". All in all a great night.

Next up was my trip to Jeffreys Bay. Wow! What an amazing weekend! The Friday night we got very deep, thanx to some liquids. The Saturday morning was awesome though. Even though we only had about 3 hours sleep, I was not about to "vrek" my weekend away. I woke the others up at 7am and by 8am most of us were frolicking in the water having a great morning swim. Later that day after shopping for our braai for that evening we returned to the beach and frolicked again. Our second swim ended in us, literally, running from the life guards. Saturday night was all about herbs and laughter. *figure that one out*. We left the Sunday morning and went to Port Elizabeth for lunch. It was my second time having sushi and dumplings at Fushin. Best sushi and tempura prawns EVER! The ride back was pretty fun, except for one massive big pothole which, thanx to Shanaaz's driving skills we avoided deftly. When we got back to "the farm" we just dropped our luggage and went to watch Breaking Dawn. Again. I have now officially watched a movie 3 times at the cinema. Worth it though.

Ever since being back I have just been extremely lethargic!! I have no idea why! My body might be trying to tell me something. I think it's time I become serious about my body...

Now look... I have always felt that food was meant to be eaten and enjoyed. Why should I not enjoy myself!?!?! That is why I've always been this fat. I have tried several times in my life to lose this weight, but I have never really been serious. I have even cut out carbs and sugar at one point and I lost about 2kg's in a week and a half. But inevitably I fell of the bandwagon. And now I'm currently back to what I was before I made the changes.

I now need to make changes to my life. Real changes. To a lot of aspects of my life! I realise that it's not just exclusively my eating habits or my lack of physical activity or my emotions (I'm an emotional eater. I eat when I'm happy, sad, apathetic, angry. Basically I eat when I "feel"). It definitely is a combinations all of these things. And I have to work through all of them. At this moment I dunno how, but I have enough faith in myself to know that it will work out.

I want to at least be "tit-less" when I graduate. I've graduated before and I die a little inside everytime I look at those pictures.

I will definitely keep you posted on how everything goes. I still have a lot to talk about but that will come soon enough.

Good to be back <3
Peace. Love. Happiness.

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