Tuesday, December 4, 2012

They are coming.....

So I’m a bit of a gadget nut. I like all things gadgety and technology related. Granted I live in a third world country, that fancies itself as a first world country with regards to the pricing of things. Therefore it is with no surprise that I cannot afford most of the things I like.

A few nights ago I watched a show called “Brave New World with Stephen Hawking” on the Discovery Science Channel which is all about the future of technology in the world. This episode featured something awesome and quite disturbing at the same time. It was a robot named iCub. Apparently this robot is something quite special because unlike all the other android or android-like creations, this one has the capacity to learn.
The premise of this endeavor is that the robot is like an infant child. Like human children this robot learns as it interacts with the world. It has the capacity to change its programming so it can make decisions based on these interactions. This is how it looks…

Hi. My Name is iCub and I have come here to kill you.

It’s all sounds very ideal: one day we’ll all own our personal intelligent robots that do everything we command. But let me remind you of a few warnings we have received over the years…


Just one look at the picture of iCub and the first thing that pops into your mind is the movie iRobot. The world at the beginning of that movie is what I suppose everyone today is looking for. We all want a servant. Low maintenance servant, one that does not need maternity leave or Unemployment Insurance Fund benefits.

Until they start to develop “feelings”, “emotions” and a “conscience”.  So we all know the robots in that movie turned on their human “owners” and I’m sure if Will Smith was not alive and skeptical about those things then I am sure that they would have killed or enslaved the puny humans. **side thought:  why didn't they use just an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) to kill all the robots. I suppose then it wouldn’t be a very long or action packed movie… anyway…** What makes it even more freaky is the resemblance between the iCub and the iRobot. Do yourself a favour and look for it on YouTube.

The Matrix

Well now this is the ultimate robots- gone-wrong story.

Premise: The matrix is a computer program designed by the machines to keep the unsuspecting humans entrapped, while the real world is actually run by these machines and they keep the humans alive only for their energy so that the machines can survive. The humans are “living” in the matrix, while in reality they are in an unconscious state.  This came about many years ago when the machines rose to power and defeated the humans in a war. The last strike of the humans was to block out the sun so that the machines cannot harness its solar power, hence the fact that they have to use the energy that the humans produce in order to survive.

This is indeed a reality that could happen if these robots of ours evolve, because it is inevitable that this world that we live in will become too small for the two of us. **side note:  they used an EMP in the Matrix too kill those bastard machines**


I know… I know… the robot is the good guy… bbbbbbbbuuuuuuutttttttttttt….
The robot on the ship wanted to keep the humans captive on the space ship. Evil bitch!
What worries me about that movie is that the humans have become so reliant on the technology that they never did anything themselves and became morbidly obese because of their lack of activity… uhm…. Hello North America… stop watching tv and throw a ball or something…

So if you take anything from post let it be this… they are coming and we are enabling them. The reason why I am not particularly worried about it all is because of the fact that I will be dead by the time these things come to pass.

Peace. Love. Happiness

PS. I love side notes/thoughts. Just ask yo mama  :O

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