Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How Deep Does The Rabbit Hole Go...?

I am him. The prodigal son. I have left the blogging realm for a while. Undergoing a paradigm shift. You have many questions and although the process has altered my consciousness I remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my ramblings you will understand and some of them you will not... Concordantly while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realise it is also the most irrelevant.

So what has life been like since August 2011, you ask?

One thing comes to mind... CAPE TOWN!!! Even christmas day pales in comparison with my trip to my "hometown". I left on the 26th of Dec. I wanted to get there asap. I got there and hooked up with Gersh, Luci, Nobie, aunty M and naledz (who because of the limitations of her mental capacity felt that she needed to travel with the Intercape at the same time I travelled to exactly the same destination by way of Translux). Her bus broke down and was delayed. It's called karma! Hehehehe... Shaz came just in time for our new years celebrations.

I will give you the overview of my trip within in a few disjointed words... Love. Friends. Alcohol. Laughter. Beach. Alcohol. Train. Friends. Taxi. Cuteness. Oros. Mask. Rollers. Alcohol. Food. Crew. Mountain. Alcohol. Lllllaaaaayyyysssss. Weed. Friends. Sex (not me). Love.

In a very big nutshell it was easily the most awesome time of my life.

Then I had to return to the reality...the farm...the dump. The East London. Urgh! Yes, I'm still a student. Third year. Law. I'm loving what I study but I do not love the exams, the tests, assignments and workload. But I gotsta get that paper...

So now I'm being swamped with work and what makes it worse is the fact I'm a procrastinator of tsunami proportions.

This week is the camp weekend. I need to get a lot of work done so I'm not going.

My friends be wanting me to go on camp with them. I iz like "no I can't". They iz like "yes you can". I iz like "I can't be goingz with you coz I iz swamped". They iz like "please come, we iz be paying for you". I iz be like thinking "b!#*h I iz no living in the poverty!!!" I iz be hoping they have a great time.

So all of the above have led me, inexorably, here...

I think I'm gonna take this crappy, whiney blog in a new direction this year... *suspense music*

Remember...always take the red pill :)
Peace. Love. Happiness.

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