Monday, August 22, 2011


Comedy... Drama... Thriller... Horror... Art Nouveau... Indie...

Just several genres of films that exist. Within each of those exist even more sub-genres. Within those thousands, probably even millions, of films exist.

But I am here to tell you only about a few special ones. Special to me anyway...

When I was younger and I was asked the question of type of movies I liked I would instinctively answer comedies. If I have to think back on which ones in particular, I would not be able to give you a single one, rather I would have to name the actor who starred in those comedies. Jim Carrey. From "The Mask" to "Ace Ventura" to "Dumb and Dumber". As I have grown up however I have come to appreciate Adam Sandler and some of his comedies. However if you were to ask me now what my favourite comedy is I would have to say "Kung Pow: Enter the Fist" it is by far the most silliest film ever made! I have come to realise that placing that film at the top of my comedy list, that I have the sense of humour of a 12 year old boy. I accept that.

I was never a fan of action films. There are 2 (or 5) that I do have to mention. First is the "Bourne trilogy". There is just something about a good spy movie that I like. The intrigue. The chase. The doomed romance. (I also like the "Mission Impossible" series but I refuse to put it on this list because one is not a fan of tom cruise, hence the brackets.) The best action film however is, and always will be, "Kill Bill". There is nothing about this movie that I do not like. The story. The direction. The way the story is so disjointed. But most of all I like the killing scenes. The whole movie is basically just one big killing scene. My favourite scene from both movies is where The Bride kills O'Ren. It is exquisitely done. Very artistic yet very brutal. One of the best scenes in film history!

I am not one for science-fiction but one cannot deny the brilliance of "The Matrix". It is a film that greatly affected pop culture. Today one can still find references to that infamous shot of Trinity suspended in mid-air. Another famous scene is the one where Neo bends backwards to avoid an Agent's bullets. I am pretty sure all of us have imitated that move one time or another. I like The Matrix for a lot of reasons but there is one reason in particular. The premise of the film is that we all are plugged into computers and living this virtual life. Although it is meant to be fiction it is not that far from the truth. Consider this... All of us these days have a mobile phone and we all have facebook pages, twitter accounts, BBM, whatsapp... We are all in fact plugged into technology and we socialise and live our lives through these technological mediums. So if you have think about it we actually are living in the matrix. Life imitating art? I would think so...

I have also come to appreciate a good drama. Horrors are also a favourite of mine. But I felt like have said enough for now.

I would urge all of you to watch all of these before you die.

Peace. Love. Happiness.

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