Monday, August 1, 2011

Back and Forth


What a day!

This morning I didn't hear my alarm which means I did not make it to class. It is not that big of a deal anyway. I despise that lecturer. It is obvious that he only qualified with his Masters recently but that still does not give him the right to come and try to lecture us while he himself learnt the same things only yesterday! I am of the opinion that a lecturer should at least have extensive experience before being asked to teach others. It's just common sense. He's the "lecturer" that "taught" me constitutional law last semester. Horrid man!

Although I did not attend class today I did have go to the campus because I needed to sort out some stuff for another module. There has been a trend recently where the lecturers feel that we students will enjoy working in groups with our fellow students. WRONG!!! Group works sucks! Big time! This is how it normally goes. We are sorted into groups of 10 or so then there are those few (about 4 or 5) which are keen to do the work and learn. Then there are those who just don't care about pulling their weight. They never attend group meetings and some hardly attend the classes but yet want throw a fit if they do not receive the same marks as those who made the time to help the group. Last year (and even last semester) I tried to cover for them and I was my normal helpful self. This time around however I have taken a different stance. I will not do anything for those type of people again. Now I could be all noble and say that I will not do it because I feel that me helping them is just enabling their laziness and by refusing to help them that I am teaching them a valuable lesson in discipline, but truth be told I am just sick of it. In fact I feel violated and taken advantage of. They should realise that they are studying law and when they are out in the real world there's not going to be a Garth Skye to help them along. They are gonna be crushed by more ambitious people.

One has to walk a fine line when one is a leader, especially in respect of friends. I am 100% sure that in taking this stance I will lose some "friends". But this is something I have to do for my own sanity. I have to take this stand. There's a saying that goes...

"If you can't stand for anything then you will fall for everything"

Moving swiftly along...

Today has been a very productive day as well. I returned to studying again. When I say studying I mean I actually read through my coursework without any need to. I just hope I can keep it up.

I also started exercising again today. I did Taebo and Hip-Hop Abs. I figured doing aerobic exercises should be much more beneficial than just riding my exercise bike (Mandy). Taebo is a killer! Iyoh! And I only did the basic workout. Could you imagine if I did the normal workout... Death by sweat!

Hip-Hop Abs on the other was very fun... and so sexual! All that thrusting your hips back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth... I prefer doing Hip-Hop abs to Taebo.

So let's just hope one can stick to the exercise plan because one MUST look sexy for Cape Town.

Well one has to go now.

P.S. Shaun T is SO gay!

Until next time...

Peace. Love. Happiness.

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