Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Unfounded worry

So today was one of those weird days...

For the past few weeks I have been stressing my sexy behind off. The reason: exam results. Now I am a fairly intelligent being. You can almost say that I am as smart as I am fat. A few weeks ago I had to write several modules and the worst of those by far was constitutional law (note: I will not use a capital letter C because I do not and nor will I ever respect it)

I started this day off being my normal grumpy-self. One is not a morning person. The results were released yesterday already but due to an incompetent administration process mine were being withheld.
A huge part of my stress was how my parents would take the news of me failing constitutional law or even writing a supplementary exam (I would not be able to handle the shame). I was fairly confident that I failed...
Today, however, I got my results and... I PASSED!!! All my modules!!! Granted I did not pass as well as I would have liked but I passed none the less. I have restored my faith in myself.

No bad news for parents. Everything is like two unicorns kissing on a rainbow.

Onto a new topic... Grahamstown Festival.

Last week, or such, I went on a bit of a road trip to the Grahamstown Festival (hereafter referred to as the gfest). Initially one had some doubts as to whether one would actually get there. I blame women. It turned out that my fears were unfounded. So early on a saturday morning I got picked up by a car full of sexy, feisty chicks. I plopped my bags in the trunk and off we went!

The trip there was a ball filled with sepia and black and white memories. Our accommodation was a sore point from the beginning. I had a reasonable fear that we will be killed by our host and that our flesh would be sold as meat in a butchery. It turned out that the accommodation was everything I thought it would be! Extremely dodgy and filled with foreigners. I think we were saved by the fact that we hardly spent any time at the place.

Naledi (find her blog here lardbuster67.blospot.com) and I saw a few shows. One very good. One very confusing. One very crappy. The very good one: The Complt Wrks of Wllm Shkspr is/was a must see! "Lady Gaga will slit all out throats!"

While Naledz and I soaked in the culture Luci and Lauren were soaking up some other stuff...

Was a bit bummed that we didn't go out the saturday night but all in all it was a great weekend.

Final thought...
Just before we left our host Mohammed decided to get deep with us. He spoke about gardens and rivers... He said God will give you a garden (a blessing) and you must look after that garden and God will be the river that will nourish said garden and if you are good to that one garden then God will give you more gardens...
Use it... Don't use it...
Here's to my intelligence, my three gardens, a vegetable patch and a fruit tree!
Peace. Love. Happiness.

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