Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Year and Some Spare Change

Wow!!! One year (and some spare change later) I'm back!!!

It's been a rather eventful year. Finishing my degree, friends having babies, friends moving away... Where to start?

So last year I kind of struggled with my edumacation. I have this slight complex in that whenever I'm about finish something, I tend to lose interest in it. I think it might be due to the fact that I may not want that chapter in my life to end because that means that a new one is starting. I am not afraid to start anything new, in fact i usually approach these new chapters in my life head on, but everyone has a bit of a fear of the unknown. Don't let this (or anything) hold you back however when it is time to move on with your life. #moveforward

I struggled through the year and emerged victorious at the end of it. I cannot believe that I was unemployed for four years. It's not nice having to rely for finances from the parents, but I had no other choice. #nomoney

So the new phase in my life is about to start. Getting back into the job market.While all my other fellow graduates are stressed and worried whether they will get a job, I'm extremely calm about the whole situation. This is the reasoning behind my tranquility... Everything will happen for me at the right time. There is no reason to stress! If it is meant to happen it will happen. Everything in this universe has its time and place and if it's not your time then good luck trying to convince the universe otherwise. #nostress

One of my closest friends (Karen) had a baby last year and made me the godfather. I remember the day like it was yesterday. We went to the hospital early in the morning and was with her until the afternoon. she gave birth to a beautiful giant baby boy. My godson. He is one of those truly beautiful babies. Most babies are weird looking and a bit ugly (I've seen a few of them recently), but not him. He's such a handsome little child! #godson

Grace moved to a dangerous place called Johannesburg last year, never to return. That was a bit of a "woah" moment in my year, but she just had to get out of this place. It is too small for people like us.

Although some of my closest friends have left me here on the farm I am consoled by the fact that I will join them in the big city one day soon. #dreams

That was my 2013 in a nutshell. A very tiny nutshell... #nutshell

Enter 2014...

I started attending law school in January and so far it has been a schlep! It is a hell of a lot of work! Not helped by the fact that the people in charge do not like me very much. i have absolutely no reason why! I am soldiering on however and am getting pretty good marks without very much effort on my part. #lawschool

I always thought that litigation (the art of arguing in court) is fascinating until we had to do moot courts. I do not like it at all! i would much rather sit in my office and do paperwork and rake in the cash money! I found out that Conveyancing and Administration of Deceased Estates is where the money is and I wanna specialise in that now. I also want to try my hand at corporate law and see how fascinating that is. #cashmoney

Lastly, today is my 30th Birthday. It should be a big deal but it does not feel like that to me. I'm just another year older. Someone the other day was surprised to find out that i was 29 years old. I take that as a compliment. I may look (and sometimes act) like a 22 year old but those who know me know that I dispense snippets of wisdom that some 50-year-olds haven't even grasped yet. #oldageyoungface

So to celebrate this year of change for i have decided to host a weekend getaway for nearest and dearest. I really hope that it's going to be an epic weekend. #epic

That's it from me for now. I pray that i keep this up...

Peace. Love. Happiness. 

P.S. Because of the consequences of birth and aging (and being reminded by Trizz) I now unfortunately have to change the status of  this blog from "The ramblings of a twenty-something year old" to "The Meanderings of a thirty-something year old"

P.P.S Being the hipster that I am, I have adopted the hashtag sign ironically as a scathing indictment on this god-forsaken swag generation.

P.P.P.S I'm done!

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